The CARING checklist for spa & hospitality success in 2022

Chances are pretty high that your spa, hospitality, or wellness business has had to make some changes, both major and minor, to weather the recent storm caused by the pandemic. In the new normal, we’ll retain many of these changes and new ways of looking at the world.

Today, wellness is seeing a major surge in interest and people are eager to travel. There are heightened desires for sustainable health and wellness practises, human contact, and new experiences. 2022 will be an incredible year for those who are ready to take advantage of this interest and prepared to devote themselves to business success and applying the lessons of the past 18 months.

There are some common best practises that will help your business thrive in the next year and beyond. We’re outlining those practises here. Together, they make up the acronym “CARING.” 





Network building


Read on to learn why taking a CARING approach to your spa, hospitality, or wellness business will set you up for success in 2022.


Communication between everyone at your organization will bring you success in 2022. As we move into the new year, you’ll be setting your goals and KPIs. Communicating these goals and how you plan to achieve them to stakeholders is key. 

Everyone at your company should be aligned and working together towards common objectives. Your software should allow you to stay connected to each other, to track KPIs, and facilitate performance management. The information gathered from your software’s reporting dashboard should serve as a facilitator for communication between you and both your team and the people to whom you answer. 

READ NOW  Book4Time announces $2,000 employee wellness perk

Additionally, communication with guests is key to elevating the guest experience and building and maintaining relationships. Effectively communicating what you have to offer and keeping the lines open is what will keep guests coming back and help the relationship grow.

A good communicator is first and foremost a good listener. Listening to guest needs – which includes listening for things that are unsaid – allows you to meet and exceed those needs. This is where recording guest information in your spa software system comes in. A guest should never have to tell you something important more than once. Having to repeat oneself is a sure sign that the other party is not listening.

To read the rest of this article and learn how to run a CARING and successful spa, download it here.


What you should do now

  • If you are looking to drive ancillary revenue while delivering a 5-Star guest experience for your hotel, resort and spa, schedule a personalized demo of Book4Time's leading cloud-based wellness and leisure activity booking software.
  • If you're interested in discovering ways to boost revenue for spas and hotels, explore our blog or visit our resources section for more insights.
  • If you know someone who’d enjoy this article, share it with them via Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or email.

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