Gift Cards


Integrate GiveX with Book4Time

Your guests are relaxed; why are you stressed? Book4Time integrates seamlessly with GiveX, and together we can help you efficiently manage your business to help you create the ultimate guest experience, stress-free.

Why integrate?

GiveX offers customers a central location to manage gift cards, which can be redeemed at one or more properties under the same corporate umbrella. Handling over a billion transactions per year, and operating in 55 countries, GiveX is one of the largest and most robust gift card and loyalty management platforms. Book4Time customers also using the GiveX platform can issue, redeem, refund, and balance check gift cards directly within Book4Time, improving the guest experience. In addition, properties using FreedomPay as their payment gateway can use the FreedomPay pinpads to swipe GiveX cards.

Key features

  • Centrally store all gift cards across your property with GiveX.
  • Issue, redeem, refund, and balance check GiveX cards in Book4Time.
  • Swipe GiveX gift cards on your pinpads if FreedomPay is your payment gateway.


When a guest purchases or redeems a gift card, they expect the transaction to be fast and efficient.

  • Guests can lose patience if you have to use multiple systems to look up and process a gift card, resulting in lost revenue and unsatisfied customers.


By integrating Book4Time with GiveX, you can manage your gift cards within the Book4Time system allowing you to issue, redeem, refund, and check balances. This provides a seamless experience for your guests and peace of mind knowing their gift card recipient will have a first-class experience.


  • Easily issue and process gift cards for services and products at your spa. Guests will be impressed with the ease of using GiveX gift cards at your location and be more likely to purchase gift cards for holidays.


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