Book4Time’s customizable booking platform is your 24/7 concierge. Connect with your guests at any time, from anywhere. Feeling creative? Use our API to build your hotel or resort’s own online booking experience for your activities and amenities.
Schedule recreational sports or resort activities online or quickly and easily at the front desk. You can also capture activity-specific preferences and payment methods.
Our central management tool is the best way to maximize peak period utilization and drive traffic during slower periods for amenities like pool chairs and cabanas. Optimize occupancy and increase revenue with dynamic pricing.
Easily integrate your hotel PMS so your staff can process charges for amenities, like pool chairs and cabanas, in real time. Or, transfer all spa and activity revenue to your hotel system. Better yet, use Book4Time Pay and skip the intermediary.
Book4Time supports and facilitates non-service and non-activity bookings too! These include tennis courts, pool chairs, day passes, and cabanas.
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