On Premise vs Cloud Solutions For Your Spa Business

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Is your data safer in the cloud or in your own hands? The answer might surprise you.

Is your data safer in the cloud or in your own hands? The answer might surprise you.

There’s been a lot of discussion in recent years over the pros and cons of cloud vs on-premise business solutions. It can be difficult for a spa executive to know which route to take. There are obvious benefits to both solutions, and which route you take will depend on your spa’s individual needs. So, in this article we’ll take a look at one of the most universal concerns: security.

Research shows that data security is the biggest concern for a majority of IT decision makers, and the question of whether your data is safer in your own hands or in someone else’s is a serious one – particularly with spas since you’re handling sensitive health information and credit card info.

What are we talking about when we say cloud vs on-premise solutions?

Cloud computing means storing and accessing your data and programs over the internet.

On-premise means storing and accessing these things on your computer’s hard drive or a central server somewhere on the premises. It’s also worth noting that hosting everything yourself can be far pricier than subscription-based cloud services.

You may think it’s safer with you, right? Well, actually, maybe not. Let’s explore some reasons this might not be the case:

Letting your data out of your own hands can seem like a bad idea – there have been widely publicized cloud data breaches after all. But on-premise breaches also happen, and there have been big ones.

“You only have to look at the number of penetration attacks that there have been on on-premise environments to see that statistically it has now been proven that people cannot manage security as well in their own on-premise environment,” said Philip Turner, VP EMEA at Okta, in an Information Age article.

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Surprised? Here are three reasons you shouldn’t be:

  1. Most breaches are inside jobs. That’s what the experts say. It’s like hiding your valuables under your mattress vs putting them in a safety deposit box. Who’s more likely to take something out of it? Someone in your house or someone in the bank? Storing information off premise makes you less likely to experience inside attacks.
  1. Someone is always paying attention. Maybe you’re confident that no one could ever breach your system, but if they did, how long would it take for you to figure it out? A good cloud provider makes it their priority to know these things and to alert you immediately in the event of a breach.
  1. Your security is their biggest concern. No matter what cloud service a company is offering, their reality is that a breach would ruin them. So, while they have other important concerns, like running a smooth service, keeping your data safe is their most important task. Can you say the same of anyone running your in-house IT service? Is this your main concern? Or do you have a spa to run?

Your data is actually safer in the cloud – as long as you choose the right service provider.

These are things you should be taking into consideration when deciding what to do with your sensitive customer information. Be informed so you can make the right decision for you and for them. They will thank you for it.

Book4Time offers a secure cloud-based spa software to help spa and salon management handle online spa booking, spa reporting, and much more all in one place. Schedule a Free Demo and learn how your spa can benefit from our solution.

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(Image:Copyright : dotshock)


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